The owners of a regional retail center called on DMA to manage a significant space transformation, turning part of a former Sears store into an office space meeting the specific lease and program requirements of two state government tenants. Georgia’s Division of Child Support Services and Division of Aging Services required two independent offices as well as shared common spaces totaling 15,700 square feet.
DMA led the bidding process and oversaw landlord construction to complete the project on time and just under the original budget. Team members worked closely with the general contractor over a six-month period to respond to scope and cost challenges, replacing damaged building materials uncovered during redevelopment and re-leveling and repaving an existing parking lot beyond the initial, planned overlay. Work included new roofing, RTUs, exterior landscaping and installation of a utility room prepared for future use of the remaining Sears space. DMA also coordinated with the tenants’ workflow to integrate access and speed move-in.